Experts agree!
They've done it again!
I got another email from Justin Ruben
yesterday. This time, wants to recruit 108,000 of the 7
million members to post their experts' deconstruction of
Romney's lies via twttter and facebook. They reckon then 'we can
reach up to 40 million Americans'!
How can they do it?
Well, the average
social media user has 126 Twitter followers and 245 Facebook
friends.2 So if 108,000 MoveOn members (just 1.5% of us)
take part in the MoveOn Truth Squad tomorrow night, we can reach up
to 40 million Americans.
It's true that 1.5% of MoveOn's claimed
7 million members comes to about 108,000. And it's true that if
108,000 manage to get through to their 126 followers and 245 friends,
that would come to a little over 40 million people.
So what's the problem? For one thing,
it rests on the improbable assumption that not even one of those
twitter followers of any of those 108,000 members is the same as any
of their own Facebook friends. Impressionistically, I'd guess that
the overlap is nearer 100% than the 0% required for this scheme to
work as advertised. Beyond that, you'd also need to assume that not
one of the followers and friends of one of the 108,000 was also a
follower or friend of any of the other 107,999. And how likely is
You may wonder what the significance is
of getting the facts out to 40 million people.
40 million
Americans will tune into the first presidential debate TOMORROW NIGHT
(Wednesday), but how many of them hear the truth is partly up to us.
So in addition to the bizarre
assumptions MoveOn has already demanded of its members, they want us
to further assume that each and every one of the 40 million we tweet
the facts to will happen to be one of the 40 million watching the
debate! Going way out on a limb here, I'm prepared to suggest that
many of the MoveOn members' networks would in fact have watched the
debate. But I'd also suggest that a large proportion of their friends
and followers have already decided who to vote for and wouldn't be
swayed one way or the other to learn that Romney has distorted
something or other again.
The fundamental assumption underlying
the entire project, of course is that Romney and only Romney needs
his facts checked. It apparently goes without saying that Barrack
Obama, the Leader of the Free World™,
would never attempt to deceive anyone, by, for example, promising to
close Guantánamo
Bay, or to pass the Employee Free Choice Act through Congress.
Unlike, Because the moral
of the story seems to be either that MoveOn isn't aware of these
issues or that they don't think the members are. In either case, does
that make them the ones you'd trust to do your fact checking for you?
The icing on the cake is, 'Experts
agree: Mitt Romney really needs to win this debate.' According
to Rasmussen, earlier today, US time, the candidates were nearly neck
and neck – with 49% favouring Obama and 47% for Romney. And ScottRasmussen himself, presumably one of the 'experts', does not, in
fact, agree.
The last time a
presidential debate changed the race was in 1980, when Ronald Reagan
outperformed Jimmy Carter. More recent history shows the debates
having only a modest impact...In 2008,...The debate did little for
either man. Four years earlier, there was a similar reaction to the
debates between President George W. Bush and John Kerry. When Bush
had a bad night, the only thing that changed was Bush supporters
decided (after the fact) that debates didn't matter all that much. In
the past couple of elections, the numbers have shifted three points
between late September polling and the actual results on Election
Day...Only in the absence of other news could a slight change in the
race coming out of the debates be decisive.
It is actually deplorable that MoveOn's
assertion that 'experts agree' is at best partially true, and that's
without checking the level of consensus among other psephologists.
But the point is that, again, MoveOn either doesn't understand that
'Nine out of ten doctors can't be wrong' is not evidence or expects
its members to fall for it. I might just mention in passing that, in
much the same vein, Justin has kindly provided some footnotes. You
might have noticed one in the first passage I quoted. They are all to
items on their own site!
why is it so important to to work so hard to get Obama
reelected? There's not much difference between the candidates on most
issues. Certainly on the fundamental issues – bailouts for the
corporations, tax cuts for the rich, foreclosures and sackings for
the rest of us, profitable business for the health insurance and big
pharma industries, not to mention Big Oil, no matter how many must
die...there is no daylight visible between them. One area where they
do disagree, however, is on abortion. Obama supporters are concerned
that Romney could appoint anti-life justices (who oppose the right to
choose) to the Supreme Court, leading to reversal of Roe v. Wade.
Curiously, Obama's two appointments, Sonia
Sotomayor and Elena
Kagan, have both taken anti-life positions. Sotomayor held in a
2002 decision that 'the government is free to favor the anti-abortion
position over the pro-choice position, and can do so with public
funds.' And Kagan urged Clinton in 1997 to support banning 'late-term
But maybe next time he'll get it right?